Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Possible Job?

I've been taking this class-it's a 12 week class, one day a week for a couple of hours, and it's FREE (paid for by a grant from the State). It's to become a Lactation Peer Counselor. We have already finished 3 classes and have 9 more to go. But last night at class the teacher announced (to the 2 of us that showed, there are only 3 of us in the class) that a full time position for a peer counselor has opened up at the Health Department, and that we could go ahead and apply, even with out finishing the class- I AM SO EXCITED! I am going to apply for this job, and hopefully I'll get it.
It's funny, as we go through the different things that peer counselors do and say, I realize, that I am already a peer counselor to my friends, and I'm just not getting paid for it!
As soon as I started breast feeding, and felt that feeling of pure...well, I can't explain the feeling you get when you look down and see your child surviving off of you, the bond you feel, the feeling you get in your stomach when you look down at your child and they look up and make eye contact with you and smile as they are nursing..It's one of the best feelings in the world.-anyway, I got distracted there-sorry. But, I knew as soon as I started breast feeding, that I wanted to get involved in helping other mothers feel the same way, to educate them on the benefits, and myths of breast feeding. My goal in taking these classes was to have a job opportunity, and now I have one, and really really hope I get it!
I looked on line for the application (because our teacher told us it was there) but can't find it...so I will call her later...but I just wanted to share the possible good news, and ask you to wish me luck!


  1. Good luck!! That would be a great job!!!

  2. Hey girl I'm a little behind on reading this but, Good Luck! I know that you will be great at it. You helped my out with laila more than the ladies in the hospital did. Granted that i felt a little bit uncomfortable due to the fact that my best friend was looking and touching my boobies for the first time in 9 years;) But you did an awesome job and i will always remember you for that.
